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About Cruisin' with the Drennans

Travel is all about sharing moments and creating lasting memories. We believe every voyage should be magical, whether it's sailing the majestic stretch of the oceans, discovering the intimate charm of river cruises, or relishing the exclusive allure of luxury or expedition cruises.

Sail with the Best | Our Industry Affiliation

Knowledge is an endless journey. We're always learning. We’re proud members of ASTA and CLIA. Judi has earned CLIA’s Accredited Cruise Counselor accreditation.  Jim has attained CLIA’s highest certification of Elite Cruise Counselor.


From Dream to Destination

Why Go Cruisin' with the Drennans

Image by Adam Jang

Ready for Your Getaway?

For those yet to sail with us, a world of unparalleled cruising awaits. Let's navigate the world's wonders together and make every journey a tale worth retelling.

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